We have a chat with two English grind projects putting out radical, one-of-a-kind music and two of the parties behind a forward-thinking split put out by Manchester-based label Anti-Mind Music last month. GENDERISTHEBASTARD Who are you? Tell me some facts about yourself. GENDERISTHEBASTARD is a solo project from Danny Page,

27 posts



We have a chat with two English grind projects putting out radical, one-of-a-kind music and two of the parties behind a forward-thinking split put out by Manchester-based label Anti-Mind Music last month. GENDERISTHEBASTARD Who are you? Tell me some facts about yourself. GENDERISTHEBASTARD is a solo project from Danny Page,

The Breakdown Special Presentation: Mapping The Breakcore Family Tree

The Breakdown Special Presentation: Mapping The Breakcore Family Tree

This week, The Breakdown finally returns with a giant-size deep dive into the complicated history of breakcore and try to make sense of it in an era where the term means less than ever. Content Warning: This article discusses a style of music primarily known for its association with themes

Interview: Known Demise

Interview: Known Demise

Known Demise is the new project from instrumentalist Garry Brents and vocalist Destin Taylor. In the wake of the release of their debut album, we caught up with them about who they are and how the project came together. Who are you? Garry Brents is better known as both one

Interview: Joseph Fox (hitbox, EXFIL)

Interview: Joseph Fox (hitbox, EXFIL)

Joseph Fox is the guitarist behind the thunderous nu-metalcore duo hitbox. We talked with him about his musical background and his new grindcore project, EXFIL. Who are you? Tell me two random things about yourself. Fox plays guitar for hitbox and both sings and plays guitar in his new powerviolence

The Breakdown: Charity Shop Record Bin Raid

The Breakdown: Charity Shop Record Bin Raid

This week on The Breakdown, we dive into the record store discount bin and take a look at two forgotten “full-length” albums from legendary artists of the early 90s British hardcore scene. Hardcore is not an albums genre. This is not to say that there are not beloved hardcore albums

Album Review: Blind Equation's "Death Awaits" is tortured inside and catchy to match

Album Review: Blind Equation's "Death Awaits" is tortured inside and catchy to match

Sonic gasps for air as he sinks deeper underwater, his timer running out. Mario miscalculates a wall jump and plummets into a sea of lava. Mega Man shatters into bits of stardust on deceiving spikes. In your ears, you’re whisked away into pixelated adventure, uplifting, almost cheerful until you

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