
5 posts

The Breakdown: Dropping Acid

The Breakdown: Dropping Acid

This week on The Breakdown, we get nostalgic about the mixtape: part rave-era cultural artifact, part long-last artform, part format curiosity. Also: Georgia goes on a long rant about her favorite still-operational rave era label. Remember the mixtape? I don’t think it’d be accurate to say that younger

The Breakdown Special Presentation: Mapping The Breakcore Family Tree

The Breakdown Special Presentation: Mapping The Breakcore Family Tree

This week, The Breakdown finally returns with a giant-size deep dive into the complicated history of breakcore and try to make sense of it in an era where the term means less than ever. Content Warning: This article discusses a style of music primarily known for its association with themes

The Breakdown: Charity Shop Record Bin Raid

The Breakdown: Charity Shop Record Bin Raid

This week on The Breakdown, we dive into the record store discount bin and take a look at two forgotten “full-length” albums from legendary artists of the early 90s British hardcore scene. Hardcore is not an albums genre. This is not to say that there are not beloved hardcore albums

The Breakdown: 'Nobody will give us a gig 'cause everyone hates us'

Three women (one in front laying, two behind crouching) and a man (crouched in the back) dressed in punk fashion.

This week on The Breakdown we take a deeper look at Lolita Storm, one of the stranger and more fondly remembered acts of the first era of digital hardcore, and attempt to disentangle their strange existence as as a group thrust into the vanguard of feminist punk despite having no

The Breakdown: An Atari ST and No Brain

A man sits at a computer holding a mouse on top of a rack module. A CRT monitor and keyboard are visible. The air is smoky.

This week on The Breakdown, we wax nostalgic about simpler times and the janky DIY brilliance of early breakcore. There’s a style I like to call “bassy breakcore” that I’ve been infatuated with for a while; if you’ve ever listened to Alec Empire or early Sonic Subjunkies

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