Who are you?
The main creator behind the works of MUNTJACK and a new project called Cockhead Martin. I mainly create music and listen to music.
What are your influences?
Anything harsh and/or seen as annoying by most people. Anything noisy, fast, slow, melodically interesting, or strange.
What kind of music do you listen to?
I mainly like to listen to harsh music such as grindcore, mathcore, and various genres related to noise rock. I dabble in hip hop/electronic music as well.
Have you ever performed live?
I've only ever performed live for a school event with my friend Griffin (who did vocals on Tangential Driving, one of the first MUNTJACK releases), and the performance was a pretty lackluster cover song set.
Where do you go to see concerts? Any notable ones?
I've gone to a few bigger concerts throughout my life to see bands like The Mars Volta, The Callous Daoboys, Mastodon, and Primus, among other bands. Currently I occasionally go to a local punk/DIY space as well to see random bands or bands that I like, such as Circuit Circuit and Jerome's Dream.
What's your opinion on the state of metal, hardcore and cybergrind in general?
I think that metal and hardcore are thriving but extremity isn't as prevelent as it used to be; I think especially in a realm like mathcore, artists will make things that are random, but never truly manic and angry. I personally like angry and manic music, but its not for everyone, and if someone else can see other things in it, that's awesome too, and I try to understand music in new ways when possible. People also have different definitions of angry and manic. I also think there is an overabundance of overproduced records too.
What got you into making cybergrind?
At a young age, probably 10, my father showed me Plague Soundscapes by The Locust, and it was so strange that I continued listening and engaging, probably out of morbid curiosity. It's also generally entertaining too, and the musicianship is tight and powerful. I found other bands through internet rabbit holes and recommendations, and really started to fall in love with as well as find interest in all sorts of extreme sounds.
MUNTJACK curated the following playlist:
MUNTJACK's newest record is coming soon on Bandcamp, with streaming to follow soon after. CDs for Tangential Driving and MUNTJACK are available from Deathlance Records.